The PBP group
Research and development to innovate processes, products and services
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To date, the PBP group as a whole employs 30 white-collar and production workers, with a turnover of about 8.6 million euros and a steady growth trend between 2018 and 2021 of 5 percent annually.
The PBP group, was founded in 2006 by sharing structural investments, human resources and specializations of 4 companies between Verona, Vicenza and Padua, a northeastern area with very high production density and dated experience in the field of graphic arts.
The formation of the group was prompted by the need to eliminate the obsolete production departments of each company in exchange for a joint investment project on state-of-the-art printing techniques.
In 2012, directing and transforming the experience gained in more than 25 years of graphic arts and with the aim of broadening the strategic scope of printing products, the group oriented its production and business direction toward the retail market, the food sector and the general retail sector.